Seminar: "Rotational sensing with Interacting Bose-Condensed Atoms in Ring Traps" by Prof. Simon Gardiner


Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 15:00 to 16:00


C700, Lab3


Tittle: "Rotational sensing with Interacting Bose-Condensed Atoms in Ring Traps"

Speaker: Prof. Simon Gardiner 

Affiliation: Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University



Atom interferometry potentially holds the promise of great sensitivity in precision measurements, and one might think the advent of Bose-Einstein condensates of alkali atoms would herald comparable improvements in atom interferometry as the invention of the laser did for optical interferometry. The key issue mitigating against this has been the ubiquity of significant atom-atom interactions, which tends to muddy any interferometric signal. Nevertheless, through some reasonably astute design, it is possible to overcome such issues, such that interactions (while present) do not present such a problem — specifically in the case of Sagnac interferometry (to detact rotations) in ring shaped trapping configurations.

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