Seminar by Prof. Alessandro Grattoni: "Implantable Nanofluidics for Cell and Drug Delivery"


Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 10:00 to 11:00


C209, Center Build


Title:"Implantable Nanofluidics for and Cell and Drug Delivery"

Speaker: Professor Alessandro Grattoni

Affiliation: Chairman, Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Institute for Academic Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA



Controlled delivery systems have gained significant interest for their ability of mimicking body glands in responding to biological signals, as well as delivering physiologic levels of hormones in replacement therapies. In this context, micro and & nanofluidic systems can be engineered to present functional interactions with cell, molecules and fluids. Through cutting-edge implementation of fabrication techniques developed in the microelectronics industry, we created nanofluidic membranes with dense arrays of monodisperse nanochannels as small as 2.5 nm with accuracy of ± 2 Å. Based on these membranes, two platform technologies were developed, which leverage new fluid physics at the nanoscale: an implantable nanochannel drug delivery system and a surface-modified 3D-printed polymer system for cell transplantation. The drug delivery system employs adaptable nanochannel sizes to constrain molecular transport and achieving constant administration of therapeutics. Implantable drug delivery devices are created by integrating these nanochannel membranes within bioinert metallic or polymeric capsules. These devices are minimally-invasive, can be implanted subcutaneously, and provide linear (zero-order) release of drugs and biomolecules. Further, such implants allow for the transcutaneous refilling of drug for extended treatments. Clinically-relevant dosage of TAF for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis over 70 days and transcutaneous drug refilling were achieved in non-human primates. Similarly, constant testosterone replacement therapy was demonstrated for more than 6 months with the same platform. Further innovations include active, on-board control systems to permit remote manipulation or activation, enabling telemedicine or chronotherapy regimens. The 3D-printed polymeric cell transplantation system was developed for the transplantation of endocrine cells. This implant, the “NanoGland”, is used to provide an immune protective environment for bioactive allografts by providing cells with local immunosuppression while permitting for graft vascularization and innervation. This seminar will provide an overview of these platform technologies in relation to medical applications on-Earth and for Space exploration. 



Dr. Grattoni obtained his Bachelor and Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico of Torino, Turin, Italy focusing his studies on osmotic pressure of non-ideal solutions though nanoporous membranes. Dr. Grattoni obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico of Torino while working in Dr. Mauro Ferrari’s team at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.  In this new context, he engaged in the study of transport phenomena in silicon nanofluidic devices for drug delivery. Since then, he directs the nanochannel Delivery System (nDS) project focused on the development, validation and clinical translation of nanochannel membranes for long-term administration of therapeutics from implantable capsules. His research is dedicated to experimental and phenomenological analysis in vitro and in vivo of concentration-driven transport in nanoconfinement developing experimental tools and mathematical models of the nanofluidic system. Additionally he engaged in the analysis of electrokinetic transport in nanochannels for the purpose of modulating the release of therapeutics from reservoirs. Finally, Dr. Grattoni’s team is developing novel microencapsulation for cell transplantation. Dr. Grattoni collaborates with the company NanoMedical Systems (NMS) Inc., Austin, TX, toward the translation of the nDS technology to the clinic. Currently he is serving as the Chairman of the Department of Nanomedicine at the Houston Methodist Research Institute. He directs the Center for Space Nanomedicine supported by CASIS and NASA. His team has received support from NASA, NIH, CASIS, Kostas Foundation, Simmons Foundation, Vivian L. Smith Foundation, Nancy Owens Memorial Foundation, as well as NanoMedical Systems, Inc.


Major Areas of Research

Nanomedicine, Nanofluidics, Drug Delivery, Silicon Technologies, Implantable Devices, Space Medicine, Cell Transplantation

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