OIST NetCafé (Online Information Session)


Sunday, November 1, 2020 - 14:00




Join the OIST information session with a cup of coffee! This session is for Japanese students currently seeking for opportunities in PhD in STEM. The sessions will be done in Japanese. The program is consisted of OIST general introduction, PhD & Research Internship admission process followed by the session by the OIST graduate from Neurobiology Research Unit.


Dr. Masakazu Igarashi

Dr. Igarashi joined OIST in 2013 as PhD student and completed his thesis “Neural mechanism of bimanual coordination” at Neurobiology Research Unit under the supervision of Prof. Jeff Wickens. After the graduation from OIST, he worked as postdoctoral fellow at Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California, the US, focusing on neural circuit of sensory feedback in the control of movement. He is currently a Medical Affairs MLS specialist at MSD in Tokyo.

Targeted Audiences

Anyone interested in PhD and Research Internship at OIST

Event Details & Registration



OIST Graduate School - External Engagement Section


All-OIST Category: 

Intra-Group Category

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