Creating Medical-Devices Ventures in Okinawa


Friday, August 21, 2015 - 14:00 to 16:00


OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room B250


Talk by Dr. Fumiaki IKENO, Interventional Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Stanford University.

  1. The feature of the medical-devices Silicon Valley style ecosystem
  2. What position should be for supporter to create ventures
  3.  The outlook of the development medical-devices venture at Okinawa

Especially Silicon Valley in the United States, an advanced venture-industry, where ventures have created an ecosystem formed among venture entrepreneurs, they have many differences in the situation for ventures between the United States and Japan.
To create the medical-devices venture, especially considering making the new products with competive venture’s seeds is the most important point for the successive development of the medical-devices and the medical technics.
In this lecture, Dr. Ikeno will point out these differences and the environmental improvement for creating the medical-devices, more entrepreneurship education for venture. Ventures are also important as a source of job creation, so growth of medical-devices ventures helps create jobs in Okinawa taking locally medical needs into account. 
Following these point, Dr. Ikeno will also give us a lecture that, using the development of medical-devices, how set up the outlook of the development medical-devices at Okinawa and solve the issue toward sustainable growth of the development medical-devices in Okinawa. 

Talk is open to everyone. Registration is required. Please see attached registration form for more information (talk will be in Japanese).

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Mr. Tabata & Ms. Tonaki 098-866-1727
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Application Deadline

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 00:00

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