OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK Series 2 by Dr. Hiroki Takahashi and Dr. Norihisa Miki

OIST and Keio University, Japan's very first private institution of higher learning located in the center of Tokyo, are starting a series of short seminars (OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK) to introduce each other's researchers to promote future collaboration.
Speaker, Title and Abstract:
Dr. Hiroki Takahashi, OIST
Assistant Professor, Ph. D
Title:"Quantum photonic interconnects for ion trap quantum computers"
The development of quantum computing hardware has seen a rapid progress in recent years up to a point where a quantum computer by Google shows supremacy over classical computers on specially contrived benchmarks. However scaling up quantum computers to a practically useful size is still a daunting task, requiring perhaps decades of further research and development. We pursue a breakthrough in ion trap quantum technologies that enables efficient linkage between independent ion trap quantum computers using photonic interconnects. In the talk I will overview the basics of quantum computing and trapped ions, and then discuss our approach towards photonically interconnected ion trap quantum computers.
Dr. Norihisa Miki, KEIO
Professor, Ph. D
Title:"Development of Artificial Kidney: Challenges in Medical Engineering"
Although hemodialysis treatment is a well-developed treatment, the quality-of-life of the patients is low due to the frequent hospital visits and severe restriction of water and salt intake. Our group has been developing an implantable dialysis system, or artificial kidney for a decade. I will be introducing the most recent results and in addition, the challenges that we have encountered. Medical engineering mandates good collaboration between medical doctors and engineers, i.e., close communication, mutual understanding, and courage to jump out of the comfort zone. Since medical engineering is quite application-oriented, commercialization of the products and, if necessary, founding a company must be envisioned.
Approximate Time schedule:
17:00-17:30 Dr. Hiroki Takahashi's talk followed by Q&As
17:30-18:00 Dr. Norihisa Miki's talk followed by Q&As
18:00- 研活/KENKATSU
※Registration is required to attend this event.
Zoom link will be e-mailed to you after registration.
Networking session (Remo) will take place after the main talk session.
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