Controlling Ions in a Two-Dimensional Array



Lab4, Level E, L4E48


Date: Monday, November 20

Time: 11:00-12:00

Location: Lab4, level E, L4E48

Speaker: Dr. Nathan Kenneth Lysne, PREP Postdoctoral Associate, CU Boulder, NIST

Title :  Controlling Ions in a Two-Dimensional Array  

Two-dimensional arrays of ions trapped in individually addressable microtraps are promising systems for studying quantum simulation. By coherently controlling shared motional excitations (phonons), one may be able to generate multipartite entangled states of the ions over the array as well as study of many-body phenomena such as spin frustration and bosons evolving in synthetic magnetic fields. I will introduce our work developing a surface-electrode ‘triangle trap’ to realize a minimal such two-dimensional array. Operated at cryogenic temperatures, this device creates a triangular array of individual trapping sites spaced 30 µm apart with sufficient degrees of freedom to independently control the motional mode frequencies and orientations of an ion trapped in each potential. I will share techniques we have developed to individually address and readout individual ions in global addressing fields through the controlled reintroduction of micromotion. Lastly, I will discuss the controlled reintroduction of a single phonon into the array and coherent exchange of that phonon between the ions, a necessary step towards entangling their states. 

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