OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK Series 3 by Dr. Keisuke Kataoka and Dr. Christine Luscombe


Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - 17:30 to 19:00





OIST and Keio University, Japan's very first private institution of higher learning located in the center of Tokyo, are starting a series of short seminars (OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK) to introduce each other's researchers to promote future collaboration.

Speaker, Title and Abstract:

Dr. Keisuke Kataoka, KEIO

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (Hematology)
Title:"Landscape and significance of multiple mutations in oncogenes"

Although sporadic reports have described cases possessing multiple driver mutations (MMs) in the same oncogene, their landscape and relevance remain elusive. Here we performed a pan-cancer analysis of 60,954 samples, and identified 14 oncogenes (particularly PIK3CA) where MMs occur more frequently than expected. In various oncogenes, MMs are preferentially present in cis and highly skewed relative to single mutations regarding mutation type, position, and amino acid substitution. MMs show overrepresentation of functionally weak, infrequent mutations, which confer enhanced oncogenicity in combination. Together, oncogenic MMs are a common driver event, which provides the underlying mechanism for clonal selection of, and has biological and clinical implications for suboptimal driver mutations that are rare but collectively account for a substantial proportion of oncogenic mutations.





Dr. Christine Luscombe, OIST

Professor, pi-Conjugated Polymers Unit
Title:"The future of organic electronics and plastics"

Organic electronics is a rising field, with novel applications including solar cells, flexible display screens, and biosensors. The high performance of these organic electronics is enabled by the outstanding optoelectronic and thermomechanical features of organic semiconducting materials. As the field has progressed, bioelectronics has attracted increasing interest. As we look into the future of bioelectronics, “living” electronics that merge the synthetic and biological world, holds some interest. Separate to the above, microplastics composed of various plastic and polymeric materials pose as a major global environmental issue that can cause detrimental consequences to marine organisms and across the food chain. Our work in organic electronics and microplastics will be presented.   



Video Archive:


Dr. Michisuke Yuzaki, KEIO

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology


Approximate Time schedule:

17:30-18:00  Dr. Keisuke Takaoka's talk followed by Q&As <Remo Presentation Mode>

18:00-18:30  Dr. Christine Luscombe's talk followed by Q&As <Remo Presentation Mode>

18:30-19:00  研活/KENKATSU <Remo Conversation Mode>

Registration (Remo):


*Both talk sessions and networking session will be held on Remo

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