English for Academic Email Correspondence - Formality


Friday, May 13, 2022 - 15:00 to 16:00




What is the appropriate level of formality when writing email to people of different cultures?

In this seminar we will look at some key differences between formal and informal English in emails. We will learn about the signs to look for in formal English emails and discuss cultural considerations.

This seminar is the second of a four part series:

1. English for Academic Email Correspondence - Subject lines - February 18th - 3-4PM

2. English for Academic Email Correspondence - Salutations - March 18th- 3-4PM

3. English for Academic Email Correspondence - Structuring the content of an email - April 15th - 3-4PM

4. English for Academic Email Correspondence - Deciding the level of Formality - May 13th- 3 - 4PM

Although, each seminar is intended to be a stand alone lesson, we recommend trying to attend all four days.

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Please note that while this seminar is open to everyone, the content is aimed at speakers of English as a foreign language. You will be expected to participate and share your opinions, please ensure that your camera and microphone are working. This is not a lecture.


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