TSVP Talk: "What Is Quantum Mechanics About?" by Dr. Leon Loveridge

Dr. Leon Loveridge is visiting OIST from 2022/08/15 until 2022/12/15 through the "Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program" (TSVP). Find out more about the TSVP in this news article or the program website.
This seminar intended for a general audience and the research will be presented in an accessible manner. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to ask questions after the talk. Guests from outside OIST can join via Zoom.
Title: What Is Quantum Mechanics About?
Abstract: Despite enormous success in and beyond fundamental physics, there is widespread disagreement, even among practitioners, about how to understand and interpret quantum theory. The mathematical simplicity and technologically applicability belies a discord so deep that there is not even consensus about the kind of objects the theory describes. This places quantum theory in a unique position in the history of science. In this talk, I'll describe some reasons why understanding the theory is so difficult, some work that helps us understand it better, some work that makes understanding it harder, and conclude with an extremely biased take on the way out of the mire.
Profile: Leon Loveridge is an associate professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway. His research interests are in the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, where he aims to understand the physical content of the theory through the lens of mathematics. Recent work is largely focused on quantum reference frames and general probabilistic theories. He has side interests in pure mathematics (mostly functional analysis and operator theory), and the history and philosophy of science, particularly quantum theory.
Language: English, no interpretation.
Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond.
Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.
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