TSVP Talk: "Time Irreversibility in Turbulence" by Dr. Guido Boffetta

Title: Time Irreversibility in Turbulence
Abstract: Turbulence is a system far from equilibrium in which energy is supplied at large scale and dissipated at much smaller scales. This fundamental property is reflected in the time irreversibility of a turbulent flow. In this talk I will review recent results on the irreversibility of turbulence from the point of view of a single particle and how the asymmetry depends on the Reynolds number. The relevance of these results for modeling particles in turbulence will also be discussed.
Profile: Guido Boffetta is professor of theoretical physics of matter at the University of Torino (Italy). He works in fluid dynamics, in particular turbulence, turbulent convection, and mixing. He is fellow of the European Mechanics Society and associate editor of Physical Review Fluids (APS). Personal Homepage
Language: English, no interpretation.
Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond.
Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.
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