Grant Writing by Prof. Mikheyev


Friday, April 28, 2017 - 14:00 to 15:00


Seminar Room B250


Thank you for attending the seminar, "Writing grants for fun and profit" by Prof. Mikheyev. Please see below for videos and materials presented at the seminar.

Vide session (April 28, 2017)     Presentation Slide


Sasha shares his tricks!

Speaker: Alexander (Sasha) Mikheyev

Title: Writing grants for fun and profit

Abstract: A strong record of obtaining funding is cornerstone of a competitive academic record. While you can view this fact as just one more thing to stress you out, writing grants can be a useful, and even fun exercise in its own right. While writing a grant, you are forced to focusing your research question and methods, while getting free peer feedback before you become overly invested into a research direction that you will then struggle to publish. In this workshop, I will present my own approach to writing grants, discuss what reviewers are looking for, and give you a 'foolproof' template to structure your proposal, regardless of discipline and type of grant. Luckily for you, grant writing is the most formulaic kind of academic writing, and by understanding the formula you can systematically optimize it and greatly increase your chances of success.

<KAKENHI Programs Sasha received>

Young Scientist (A, B),   Scientific Research (S) as collaborator, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research, etc.

・ Date and Time: Friday, April 28, 2017: 14:00 - 15:00
・ Venue: Seminar Room B250
・ Admission: Free
・ Contact: Grants Section (
*** No registration required ***



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