
Title & Abstract

Please inform for the date of your participation. 

Sawyer: The New Role of Evolutionary Genetics in Medicine

Date Aug 15, 2012
Time 9:00 am - 12:00 pm JST
Description   Recent advances in the field of evolutionary genetics have the power to change the way that researchers and doctors investigate and diagnose infectious disease. We will discuss bacterial pan-genomes, the power of sequence databases in biomedical research, and artificial approaches to vaccine design based on concepts borrowed from evolutionary biology. Finally, we will talk about host-virus 'arms races' and how the evolutionary signatures imprinted in human genes can sometimes reveal key insights into host-virus interactions. This will be demonstrated with a series of studies taken from the HIV field. For all topics, recent examples from the literature will be highlighted.


Werren: (1)Selfish Genetic Elements (2)Genomes to Biology


Date Aug 16, 2012
Time 9:00 am - 12:00 pm JST

 ***Please find attached PDF files***

(1) Genomes are vulnerable to selfish genetic elements (SGEs), which enhance their own transmission relative to the rest of an individual’s genome but are neutral or harmful to the individual as a whole. As a result, genetic conflict occurs between SGEs and other genetic elements in the genome. There is growing evidence that SGEs, and the resulting genetic conflict, are an important motor for evolutionary change and innovation. The kinds of SGEs and their evolutionary consequences are described.  The dynamics of SGEs are also considered, including proposed “evolutionary functions” of SGEs. (2)   The genomics revolution provides opportunities to rapidly advance emerging model systems and to develop new ones to address novel questions in biology. Using the Nasonia genome project as an example, we explore how genomes open up new research directions and provide key resources for addressing basic questions in biology.  Nasonia is a genus of four species and genome sequence were obtained for three.  Genome sequences from these closely related species have been quickly exploited for studies in evolutionary and functional genetics.  In particular, research approaches are described for how genomic data is used for efficient cloning of quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in species differences in development and behavior, and for discovery of hybrid incompatibility loci. 

Helmkampf: Manual gene annotation using ApolloHelmkampf: Manual gene annotation using Apollo

Date Aug 16, 2012
Time 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm JST
Description  Gene annotation is the process of adding explanatory information regarding genes to the raw sequence acquired during a genome project. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to manually annotate eukaryotic protein-coding genes using the sequence annotation editor Apollo based on previously obtained gene predictions. Practicing with cytoplasmic ribosomal protein genes and individual genes of interest from the newly sequenced genome of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris,students will familiarize themselves with the structure of typical eukaryotic protein-coding genes, the process of manual gene annotation, and how to deal with commonly encountered obstacles. Additional information will be provided about how to organize a community-effort to annotate genes in the context of smaller genome consortia, and how to annotate genes in the absence of Apollo and predicted gene sets.
Prerequisites: Please install the Apollo web start located in "QECG 2012" > Resources > Gene annotation tutorial > Bter_10.apollo.jnlp (requires Java).

Gadau: Comparative and functional genomics

Date Aug 17, 2012
Time 9:00 am - 12:00 pm JST
Description   1. sociogenomics – comparative genomics of social insects (emphasizing the advantages of comparative genomics (seven ant genomes) and regulation of phenotypic plasticity (differences between workers/queens and foragers/nurses) and 2. Genomics and speciation and species differences in Nasonia (hybrid incompatibility – nuclear cytoplasmic incompatibility – genetic basis of behavioral/pheromonal/morphological species differences).


Tentative schedule