Science Careers Journal Club

“Making the Right Moves:
A Practical Guide to Scientifıc Management for Postdocs and New Faculty”

Science Journal Club image

Science Careers Journal Club is an informal group of postdocs and staff scientists interested in learning about strategies, common pitfalls, and good practices in pursuing a scientific [particularly academic] career.

The club will meet on a monthly basis and will include discussion about books and articles dealing with job applications and lab management. Each month will cover a different topic and we hope to invite related experts that can share their experience with the issues discussed and help to answer questions.

We use the book “Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientifıc Management for Postdocs and New Faculty” which is one of the main resources for the “Development of Early-Career Scientists”. We meet once a month and discuss chapters of this book one by one, to open discussion on the relevant subjects.

Please join the Science Careers Journal Club if you want to know more about practical aspects of developing a career in science, discuss your future career path, and gain peer support of people at a similar professional stage in life.

Next roundtable: "Lab Leadership"

The Science Careers Journal Club will be using Chapter 3 (Lab Leadership) of the book, “Making the Right Moves” as inspiration for our next meeting. The book is available online ( Hard copies are also available.
To get the discussion going, Nick Luscombe, adjunct professor at OIST, and professor of computational biology at UCL and the Crick Institute in London, will be joining us to share his experience and advice on starting and growing a lab. Nick has experience in starting labs at the European Bioinformatics Institute, UCL and at OIST, so it will be a great opportunity to gain insight into lab leadership in different contexts and situations.
The session will be interactive, so bring your questions, from the book or elsewhere!

  • What: "Chapter 3: Laboratory Leadership in Science"
  • Guest Expert: 
    • Nick Luscombe, Adjunct Professor at OIST, and Professor of computational biology at UCL and the Crick Institute in London, UK
  • Who: ALL are welcome, although OIST Scientists are strongly encouraged to join/attend.
  • When: noon - 1 pm on Thursday, Nov. 24
  • Where: Ctr Bldg - SR B503
  • Coordinator: Dr. Garth Ilsley, Sience and Technology Group, OIST

If you would like to be a part of this group, please fill out the form below: