Workshop: "Growing a community for your research on social media".


Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 10:00 to 14:00


For RSVP only.


Target Audience: Researchers and Graduate Students. 

Session format: Zoom meeting. 

Facilitator: Dr. Tseen KhooSenior Lecturer at La Trobe University, Australia.

Short description: 

This practical workshop helps you get started and build your skills using social media. We'll be discussing why and how researchers use it, what it means for you to build a presence online, and getting you prepared to create an account and engage on social media. 

Learning Objectives:

    By the end of this session participants will be able to...

  • Articulate why and how they want to engage with social media, 
  • Understand what audiences they may want to cultivate,
  • Know how to write a social media bio,
  • Have practical experience of creating elements for their own social media strategy. 

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Spaces are limited to 40 participants.

Registration deadline: January 25th, 2021.

To register CLICK HERE.

About the speaker:

Dr Tseen Khoo is a Senior Lecturer in the Research Education and Development team, Graduate Research School, La Trobe University, Australia. She’s been a Senior Advisor (Research Grant Development) at RMIT University, and a research fellow at Monash University and the University of Queensland.

Tseen has written on research funding issues, early career researcher experiences, alternative academic streams, and racial diversity issues in Australia. With Jonathan O’Donnell, Tseen created and runs the research development and research culture blog, The Research Whisperer.


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