Past Events
TIME TO TRASH THE JOURNAL? - Seminar by Dr. Paul Guinnessy
2015-11-09C700, Level C, Lab 3
Dr. Pauy Guinnessy, Web Director, Physics Today
Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century and The Role of Nuclear Fusion
2015-10-13C209, Level C, Center Building
Title: Sustainable
"Why Influenza Kills and will Kill Again" Yoshihiro Kawaoka
The talk will be in English, with no interpretation. Dr. Kawaoka is Director of the International Research Center for Infectious Diseases and Division of Virology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo.
"Behind the Scenes at Nature - Insights into Editorial Processes", Magdalena Skipper (Senior Editor, Nature)
【Biography of Ms.
"Ryukyuan Artifacts in the U.S.: A Detective Story" Ms. Fuji Takayasu
In "Ryukyuan Artifacts in the U.S.
"From the Size of an Atom to the Size of the Universe: What is the Connection?", K.R. Sreenivasan, NYU