Registration Deadline: 7th ABiS Advanced Light Microscopy Course at OIST

7th ABiS Advanced Light Microscopy Course at OIST
The course will cover all the way from the fundamentals of optical microscopy to state-of-the-art, multi-dimensional wide field fluorescence, confocal, super-resolution and light-sheet microscopy systems. Participants will learn through lectures, practical demonstrations and discussions, designed to deliver the principles and applications of modern microscopy.
A strong emphasis will be placed on ‘choosing the right tool for the job’. Participants will also learn to obtain and interpret microscope images, to assess data for common errors and artifacts, and to perform quantitative optical measurements.
The course will benefit primarily graduate students postdoctoral trainees and research scientists in the biological sciences. Non-biologists seeking a comprehensive introduction to microscopy and digital imaging in the biomedical sciences will also benefit greatly from this course.
Basics of optics and microscopy
Modern techniques for fluorescence live imaging
Practical aspects in fluorescence light microscopy for biosciences
Hyphenated techniques in microscopy
Introduction and principals of superresolution fluorescence microscopy
Current opinions in clearing methods for neuroscience
Light-sheet microscopy: theory and applications
Hands On
- Demonstration and practical insights on advanced light microscopy systems designed for the investigation of sub-optical resolution structures (eg. cytoskeleton of the cell) on live and fixed samples as well as large structure (eg. whole tissue / small organism) in cleared samples.
Application deadline: December 28th Wednesday, 2022
Travel funding available (accommodation and domestic flights only)
Registration Link: Application Form: 7th ABiS Advanced Light Microscopy Course at OIST | OIST Groups
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Tel: 098-982-3648
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