[Seminar] "On Reuleaux and Cohn-Vossen, or buttons and balls that cannot run away" by Prof. Bernd Kawohl


Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 16:30




Geometric PDE and Applied Analysis Seminar (December 15, 2022)

Title: On Reuleaux and Cohn-Vossen, or buttons and balls that cannot run away

Speaker: Prof. Bernd Kawohl (University of Cologne)

Abstract: My lecture centers around convex sets of constant width and the biographies of two scientists from the 19th and 20th century, Franz Reuleaux and Stefan Cohn-Vossen. While some of it is at the level of mathematical entertainment (how to drill a square hole?), it will also contain a deep and only partially answered questions and some aspects on the history of mathematics. To be very specific, geometric aspects of the following nonlinear PDE for the boundary of a convex closed set in Euclidean 3-space will be addressed: min{κ1, κ2} = 1.

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