[Seminar] Simulation of the fluid-mechanic behaviour of suspensions with deformable inclusions for applications in the science and technology of soft matter






Dr. Massimiliano Villone, University of Naples Federico II


Simulation of the fluid-mechanic behaviour of suspensions with deformable inclusions for applications in the science and technology of soft matter


Suspensions with deformable inclusions are multiphase systems widespread in nature and applications. In particular, the suspended phase can be either solid (let us think, for example, to suspensions of microgel particles), liquid (emulsions), gaseous (foams), or even more complex (like in suspensions of capsules, which are liquid droplets wrapped in thin elastic membranes). An introduction to the numerical simulation of the fluid-mechanic behaviour of suspensions with deformable inclusions will be given and some examples of interest in the field of science and technology of soft matter will be presented.


Meeting ID: 915 5676 1513

Please contact megumi.ikeda@oist.jp for passcode

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