Past Events
SYK Seminar, Part I: Introduction (Rotation Project)
2021-02-04As part of my rotation project I will give a series of introductory lectures on the SYK model. In Part I, I will write down the basic definition and give a sketchy overview of currently investigated aspects.
[Seminar] Matrix Models and Topological Recursion (Dr. Kento Osuga, University of Sheffield, UK)
2021-01-28Title: Matrix Models and Topological Recursion
Abstract: Hermitian matrix models are simplest quantum gauge field theory, namely quantum gauge theory in zero dimensions, and their correlation functions can be computed by a mathematical framework, the so-called topological recursion. In this review talk, I first present properties of Hermitian matrix models such as the 1/N-expansion, Virasoro constraints, loop equations, and the associated spectral curve. I will then give a technical overview of how we can recursively solve the loop equations of Hermitian matrix models by utilising the geometry of the spectral curve. Collecting the key geometric features, I will define the topological recursion with great generalities which makes it possible to apply the topological recursion beyond Hermitian matrix models.
Tensor Overview I
2021-01-27I will give a pedagogical introduction to field theories at large-N, with emphasis on vectors and matrices. I will also rapidly present the intermediate field formalism.
[Seminar] An Invitation to Topological String Theory (Dr. Kento Osuga, University of Sheffield, UK)
2021-01-21Title: An Invitation to Topological String Theory
Abstract: I will introduce the beauty of interplay among quantum field theory in various dimensions. More concretely, I will give an elementary review of fascinating relations among topological A-models and B-models, Chern-Simons theory, Seiberg-Witten theory, and matrix models. This talk will be designed for nonexperts so everyone in theoretical physics is welcome to join, including students. Research talks with more technical details may follow next week (and onwards) if there are interests.
Visit: Dr. Kento Osuga (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sheffield)
2021-01-12 to 2021-02-25Visit: Dr. Kento Osuga (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sheffield)
[Zoom Seminar] Tensor Field Theories: Renormalization and Random Geometry (Dr. Nicolas Delporte, Toriumi Unit)
2020-11-30Title: Tensor Field Theories: Renormalization and Random Geometry
Abstract: In the talk, I will share an overview of my research during my PhD thesis. After a practically-minded introduction to renormalization and conformal field theories (CFT), we will see the essential tools developed for tensor models and their large-$N$ expansion. In the second part, I will focus on results of $d>1$ tensor field theories: melonic CFTs, breaking of symmetries. In the last part, we will revive an old approach to study and renormalize an interacting scalar quantum field theory on Galton-Watson random trees, through random walks, which may prove useful for tensor models to escape the melonic large-$N$ limit.
Meeting ID: 940 8132 8725
Passcode: 609087
Faculty Lunchtime Seminar: Quantum Gravity, Quantum Observables, Wilson Loops, and Geometric Flux (Prof. Reiko Toriumi, OIST)
2020-11-10Title: Quantum Gravity, Quantum Observables, Wilson Loops, and Geometric Flux
Abstract: I will brainstorm and introduce you to the type of problems that I tend to think about in quantum gravity. The title suggests some of the key concepts that I will visit in this talk in order to arrive at the recent interesting result that my collaborators and I discovered, namely, the notion of geometric flux in gravity.