Past Events

SYK Seminar, Part III: Effective Action (Rotation Project)


As part of my rotation project I will give a series of introductory lectures on the SYK model. In Part III, I show how to derive the effective action for the master fields G and Σ directly from the partition function.

Seminar: Unitary matrix models (Mr. Neetu, IISER, Bhopal, India)


Title: Unitary matrix models

SYK Seminar, Part II: Melons (Rotation Project)


As part of my rotation project I will give a series of introductory lectures on the SYK model. In Part II, I will discuss the 2-point correlation function and how the large N diagrammatics reduce to iterated melon diagrams.

Seminar: Triple scaling of a multimatrix model U(N)^2 x O(D), continued (Prof. Reiko Toriumi, OIST)


Seminar: Triple scaling of a multimatrix model U(N)^2 x O(D), continued.

[Seminar] Matrix Models and Topological Recursion II (Dr. Kento Osuga, University of Sheffield, UK)

L4F01 (Lab 4, floor F)

Title: Matrix Models and Topological Recursion II

Abstract: Continued from the previous lecture, we will study how the topological recursion was discovered in the study of Hermitian matrix models. More concretely, starting with the spectral curve of a 1-cut Hermitian matrix model, I will present a computational technique that recursively solves loop equations. If time permits, I will make the recursive technique more abstract, and "define" the topological recursion.

Seminar: Triple scaling of a multimatrix model U(N)^2 x O(D) (Prof. Reiko Toriumi, OIST)

L4F15, Lab 4, OIST

Title: Triple scaling of a multimatrix model U(N)^2 x O(D)

SYK Seminar, Part I: Introduction (Rotation Project)


As part of my rotation project I will give a series of introductory lectures on the SYK model. In Part I, I will write down the basic definition and give a sketchy overview of currently investigated aspects.

[Seminar] Matrix Models and Topological Recursion (Dr. Kento Osuga, University of Sheffield, UK)

L4F01 (Lab 4, floor F)

Title: Matrix Models and Topological Recursion

Abstract: Hermitian matrix models are simplest quantum gauge field theory, namely quantum gauge theory in zero dimensions, and their correlation functions can be computed by a mathematical framework, the so-called topological recursion. In this review talk, I first present properties of Hermitian matrix models such as the 1/N-expansion, Virasoro constraints, loop equations, and the associated spectral curve. I will then give a technical overview of how we can recursively solve the loop equations of Hermitian matrix models by utilising the geometry of the spectral curve. Collecting the key geometric features, I will define the topological recursion with great generalities which makes it possible to apply the topological recursion beyond Hermitian matrix models.

Tensor Overview I


I will give a pedagogical introduction to field theories at large-N, with emphasis on vectors and matrices. I will also rapidly present the intermediate field formalism.
