Seminar: "Social Media and Web for Scientific Visibility, Job Search, and More"


Friday, November 2, 2018 - 13:00 to 14:00


C700, Lab3


Target Audience: OIST Researchers, Graduate Students and anyone who is interested 

Session format: Interactive seminar

Speaker: Dr. Amanda Alvarez, Science Communicator at RIKEN; Twitter: @neuroamanda.  

Short description:

A digital presence is increasingly expected in research and academia, but establishing yourself online doesn't have to be a difficult time-suck. A consistent online personality can improve your visibility, help you find collaborators or at least be a great tool for procrastination! If you want to learn how to use Twitter and other social media to boost citations, find a job in science or network at conferences, this is the talk for you. Also: hear about how we do science communication at RIKEN. Bring your laptop, phone or tablet for the interactive workshop part. Questions welcome! 

Learning objectives: 

    By the end of this session participants will be able to...

  • Launch one (or more) social media accounts;
  • Find a web host for a personal site or blog;
  • Know a little about SEO and altmetrics;
  • Find the hashtags for their field;
  • Understand how to use online tools to further their professional goals and scientific communication.

No registration is required.  Everyone is welcome!


Post-event survey SUMMARY


About the speaker: 

Dr. Amanda Alvarez is a science communicator at RIKEN, Japan’s national science institute. She produces Nerd Nite Tokyo, organized the first Japan Scicom Forum in 2018, and has worked as a science writer in Switzerland, Germany and the United States. Amanda received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Twitter: @neuroamanda. 



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