C3QS2018 Lecture "Spin dynamics of individual neutral impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate" Artur Widera



B250, Level B, Center Building



Spin dynamics of individual neutral impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate


Artur Widera, Professor, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany


Individual spins immersed into a superfluid form a paradigm of quantum physics. It lies at the heart of many models exploiting the quantum nature of individual spins to understand quantum phenomena or to open novel routes to local probing and engineering of quantum many-body systems.
I will present our approach of controlled immersion of individual, localized neutral Caesium (Cs) atoms having total spin F = 3 into a Rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with total spin F = 1.  Depending on the Zeeman-state of the Rb gas, we observe inelastic spin-exchange dynamics, tracing the spin state of individual impurities with high position and time resolution. Moreover, suppressing such inelastic collisions by proper choice of internal states, we demonstrate coherent dynamics of individual Cs impurities’ quasi-spins immersed in the BEC.Our work paves the way for local quantum probing of superfluids, and thus might shed light on the local state of nonequilibrium or correlated quantum many-body systems.

This is a part of the workshop C3QS2018 organized by Quantum Systems Unit.  Everyone from OIST commuity is welcome!

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