Anya Dani - Activities

Current Projects:

1) Characterizing Ceramics from Okinawan 17th-18th Century Kiln Sites 

In close collaboration with the Naha Municipal Tsuboya Pottery Museum, this project involves scientifically characterizing Okinawan archaeological pottery from different historic kilns as well as differentiating between ceramics made on the Okinawan Main Island vs. Okinawa's Ishigaki Island.  Click here for more detailed information on the ceramics study.

                                                                     Ceramic Sherds, Tsuboya Kiln, Naha Municipal Tsuboya Pottery Museum           Vase, Attributed to Kina Kiln
                                                                                                                                 Tsuboya Pottery Museum

2) Lacquer Treatment and Research Projects

Several Okinawan lacquer objects from the Yomitan Museum of History & Folklore are currently being studied and conserved in the OIST conservation lab.  Lacquer has a long history of use across Asia.  Japanese and Chinese lacquer (urushi) is made from the sap of the Rhus verniciflua tree.  Many of the objects being studied at OIST were made using the tsuikin technique, which is native to Okinawa.  Tsuikin involves the attachment of decorative appliques made from lacquer putty.  For this study, cross-section microscopy is being used to decipher layered lacquer structures and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy is used for pigment identification.  Conservation treatment largely includes humidification, consolidation of flaking lacquer, cleaning, removal of past restorations, and some aesthetic compensation.  The treatment example below of a red lacquered juubako box was completed by OIST Research Intern Amaris Sturm.


Juubako, Yomitan Museum, Before Treatment                 Juubako, Yomitan Museum, After Treatment

3) Sanshin Technical Study and Conservation Treatment

This project involves two early 20th century sanshins (Okinawan string instruments) belonging to the Yomitan Museum of History & Folklore.  Research is being performed to identify the unusual skin covering these sanshins.  Also, the instruments are being conserved so that the sanshins can be safely exhibited and shared with the public.  Click here fore more detailed information on the sanshin project.

Sanshin, Yomitan Museum of History & Folklore


Archive of Past Projects


Recent Presentations & Activities:

  • September 24, 2014 - Characterization and Provenance Study of 17th-18th Century Okinawan Ceramics Using X-ray Based Analysis - Poster presented at the International Institute for Conservation 2014 Hong Kong Congress
  • February 21, 2014 - Scientific Characterization and Provenance Study of 17th-18th Century Okinawan Ceramics Using X-ray Based Analyses - Okinawa Archaeological Assocation Meeting - Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center, Nishihara, Okinawa
  • May 30, 2013 - Establishing Conservation in an Unconventional Venue in Okinawa - American Institute for Conservation 41st Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
  • January 23, 2013 - Characterizing Ceramics from Okinawan 17th-18th Century Kiln Sites - Spring 8 Synchrotron Facility, Harima, Japan
  • March 26, 2012 - A Journey in 3D Objects Conservation - Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum, Naha, Okinawa
  • March 18, 2012 - Looking Below the Surface: Preserving Art Through Science - OIST Open Campus, Onna, Okinawa


Visitors to the Conservation Lab:

  • February 2015 - Melissa Carr, Furniture Conservator, Masterwork Conservation - Collaboration on Okinawan Lacquer Research and Conservation
  • June-September 2014 - Amaris Sturm, Art Conservation Student, University of Delaware - Summer research intern focusing on the conservation and study of both Okinawan lacquerware and ceramics
  • June 17, 2014 - Ambassador of Israel to Japan, Ruth Kahanoff
  • March 2014 - Catherine Coueignoux, Furniture Conservator, Oakstreet Conservation - Collaboration on Okinawan Lacquer Research and Conservation
  • July-September 2013 - Emily Maskas, Museum Studies Student, Tufts University - Visiting intern focusing on the study and preservation of Okinawan lacquerware
  • February 2013 - Dr. Bruce Kaiser, Chief Scientist, Bruker Elemental - Workshop on Bruker Tracer III Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
  • February 2013 - Dr. Lee Drake, Senior Applications Scientist, Bruker Elemental - Workshop on Bruker Tracer III Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
  • February 1, 2013 - Imperial Highness Princess Hisako Takamado
  • January 2013 - Dr. Jennifer Mass, Senior Scientist, Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation - Collaboration on Okinawan Ceramics Analysis
  • January 2013 - Hidehiko Azumaya, Project Scientist, Winterthur Museum - Collaboration on Dye Analysis
  • June 2012 - Jakki Godfrey, Objects Conservator, Brooklyn Museum

Archive of Previous Visitors