Kazumasa Z. Tanaka

Kazumasa Z. Tanaka
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of California, Davis, Ph.D. program in Psychology Department, US 2015
M.S., Kitasato University, Graduate School in Biological Science, Japan 2010
B.S., Kitasato University, School of Science, Biology Department, Japan 2008
M.S., Kitasato University, Graduate School in Biological Science, Japan 2010
B.S., Kitasato University, School of Science, Biology Department, Japan 2008
Professional Experience
- Post-Doctoral Researcher, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Lab for Circuit & Behavioral Physiology (supervisor: Thomas J. McHugh),
October 2015 – March 2016 - Special Post-Doctoral Researcher, RIKEN Brain Science Institute (Center for Brain Science), Lab for Circuit & Behavioral Physiology (supervisor: Thomas J. McHugh),
April 2016 – March 2019 - SPD Research Fellow in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Lab for Circuit & Behavioral Physiology (supervisor: Thomas J. McHugh),
April 2019 – December 2019 - Assistant Professor (Adjunct) at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University,
April 2019 – December 2019
- MEXT Young Scientists' Prize, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), 2021
- Excellence in Mentoring Award, OIST, 2021
- Japan Neuroscience Society, The Young Investigator Award, 2020
- RIKEN Researcher Incentive Award, 2019
- Donald Owings Memorial Award, from the Psychology Department, University of California, Davis, 2014
Select Publications
The hippocampal engram maps experience but not place.
Tanaka KZ*, He H, Tomar A, Niisato K, Huang AJY, McHugh TJ*
Science 361(6400) 392-397 Jul 2018 -
Cortical representations are reinstated by the hippocampus during memory retrieval.
Tanaka KZ, Pevzner A, Hamidi AB, Nakazawa Y, Graham J, Wiltgen BJ*
Neuron 84(2) 347-354 Oct 2014 -
Reactivation of neural ensembles during the retrieval of recent and remote memory.
Tayler KK, Tanaka KZ, Reijmers LG, Wiltgen BJ*
Current biology CB 23(2) 99-106 Jan 2013