[Seminar] "A systems approach to understanding regulation of mitotic nuclear positioning and telophase reassembly based on high resolution light microscopy" by Prof. Paul S. Maddox
Title: A systems approach to understanding regulation of mitotic nuclear positioning and telophase reassembly based on high resolution light microscopy
The nucleus is a complex organelle that ultimately controls cell fate. Each cell division, the nucleus must be disassembled, its genetic material divided equally, and then reassembled. This complex event occurs rapidly and involves numerous protein players. We have probed the biophysical mechanisms that position the nucleus prior to disassembly and thus that govern reassembly. Using high resolution imaging, protein depletions, and computer modeling, we show that regulation of nuclear positioning depends on regulation of microtubule motors and reassembly is achieved by action of balanced protein import and export of visco-elastic regulatory proteins. To further this work, we are developing high-resolution (1.4 NA and higher) light sheet microscopy methodologies.
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