[Seminar] Time-resolved 3D single-molecule tracking in cytosol and new florescence nanobiosensors, Prof. Tim Yeh, The University of Texas at Austin
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Meeting ID: 920 0612 2001 / Passcord: 896686
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Speaker: Prof. Tim (Hsin-Chih) Yeh, The University of Texas at Austin
Title: Time-resolved 3D single-molecule tracking in cytosol and new florescence nanobiosensor
Most of single-molecule tracking experiments are confined to the 2D space on a cover slip and only generate information about the molecule trajectories. We have recently demonstrated a time-resolved 3D single-molecule tracking method that can track a single molecule in cytosol and simultaneously monitor its fluorescence lifetime. Using this technique, we found the association constants of oligonucleotides can be 13- to 163- fold higher in the molecular crowding cellular environment (JACS 2019, Nature Communications 2015, ACS Nano 2020). Other than the tracking microscopes, our lab is also developing a new class of fluorescence nanobiosensors which have shown many unique sensing capabilities (JACS 2012 and 2015; 3 US patents).
Website: https://www.bme.utexas.edu/people/faculty-directory/yeh
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