SHIMA 2022 ワークショップ事後アンケート

SHIMA 2022 へ参加していただきありがとうございました。4日間のワークショップ大変お疲れ様でした。皆さんの記憶が新鮮なうちに、下記のアンケートにお答えください。

Have you become more interested in science after participating in SHIMA?
Are you thinking of pursuing higher degree or going to college after participating in SHIMA?
Are you planning to choose science for your field of study in college after participating in SHIMA?
After participating in SHIMA, do you plan to study abroad in the future?
Did you understand the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and island sustainability?
SHIMA 2022 の運営に関するアンケート

SHIMA 2022にご参加頂きありがとうございました。次回のSHIMAへむけて、質的向上を図るために、このワークショップで皆さんが経験したことを共有させて頂きたいと思います。以下の質問に回答ください。

Overall, how was SHIMA 2022?
What programs were interesting to you? (Multiple answers allowed)
How was the communication with SHIMA organizer?
Did you find enough information on SHIMA website?
Were the lectures suitable for your level?
Please share your thoughts on SHIMA 2022
What is the application that you often use to connect with your friends on social media?
Would you like to receive email notifications about future OIST science events?


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