October newsletter

October in the SAP Room

Clubs! Clubs! Clubs!

This month we introduced new clubs in the SAP room. Art Club meets on Mondays from 4:45 to 5:30. Handball Club meets on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30. The Environmental Protection Club has made signs reminding us all to think about the environment when we use materials and wash our hands. Look out for more clubs in the coming months, including chess, activities, and reading.




Special Interview with Handball Club with Souichi

I: What made you start the Handball Club?
S: I have decided to start the club because I think a few kids know about the sport so I wanted more people to know how fun it is. By playing handball, we can learn about teamwork and it is a happy sensation when you score a goal.
I: How many members do you have as of now (September)?
S: We have 12 but we eventually want 19 members.
I: What are the plans for October?
S: We are planning to devide the members in 3 groups (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and the instructers will be me, Mikako and Eedam. Hopefully in November, each group levels up and we will have 2 training groups.
I: Any message for the kids?
S: Handball is super fun so come join us!



ソ: みんなハンドボールのことをあまり知らないと思うので、広めていきたいから始めました。チームワークの勉強になって楽しいし、ゴールしたら超うれしいですよ。


ソ: 12人のメンバーが集まりましたが、19人はほしいです。


ソ: 10月は初心者、中級、上級の3グループに分けて、僕とイダムとミカコが教えます。11月には各グループがレベルアップして、2つのグループでやりたいです。


ソ: ハンドボールものすごく楽しいからぜひやってみてください!


Interview with Environmental Rally Club co-president Maya

I: What made you start the Environmental Rally Club?
M: One day my friend and I were at school in the lunchroom and we went to get some water from the water fountain. Because of COVID-19 the school left the water fountain running so that no one would need to touch the buttons, but we were shocked at the waste of water. So we decided to start a club to protect the earth.
I: What does your club do?
M: We are planning on having fundraisers to donate to websites that help protect the earth. We also want to make posters and hold events that help people know how to protect the earth and talk about it with people. We also want to clean the beach.
I: What recommendations do you have for School Age Program kids right now to start being more friendly to the environment?
M: Try to use only one paper towel when you dry your hands. Don’t waste too much water. Don’t waste supplies in the art room.
I: Thank you for speaking with me. I hope your club helps us all to make the SAP a more environmentally friendly place.



: ある日私と友達が学校のランチルームにいて、水飲み場へ水を取りに行くことにしました。COVID-19のため生徒がボタンを触らなくていいように学校は水を出しっぱなしにしていました。私たちは水の無駄遣いにショックを受け、地球を守るための環境クラブを始めることにしました。

私: クラブはどんな活動をしますか?

: 地球を守るためのウェブサイトのために募金活動をする予定です。また、地球を守る方法を知ってもらい、人と話し合うためのポスター作りやイベントを開催したいと思います。ビーチもきれいにしたいです。

私: 今スクールエイジプログラムのみんながもっと環境にやさしくなるためのアドバイスはありますか?




Volunteer-led Activities

The SAP is delighted to welcome volunteers to the room to lead specialized activities with kids. This month kids enjoyed yoga with Loretta White, and two math/science Jam Sessions with Yasha Neiman and Daniel Spector.



Upcoming Holiday Program Days

Upcoming holiday program days are available for enrollment on the SAP website. The following dates represent the upcoming holidays of several different schools, so please check your child's school calendar to make sure you register for the correct days. November 26, 27; December 14, 18, 21-25, 28

If your child's school has a holiday on a day that is not listed here, and you would like to use SAP services, please send an email to schoolageprogram@oist.jp.


今後のホリデープログラムの日は、SAPWebサイトで登録できます。以下の日付は、いくつか異なる学校の今後の休日を表しています。正しい曜日に登録していることを確認するために、お子さんの学校のカレンダーを確認してください。 11月26、27日; 12月14日、18日、21日〜25日、28日

お子さんの学校がここに記載されていない日に休みになる場合で、SAPサービスを利用したい場合は、schoolageprogram @ oist.jpにメールを送信してください。

COVID-19 (staff testing, room disinfecting, mask importance)

The numbers of COVID-19 cases in Okinawa continues to steadily increase and SAP COVID-19 protection measure remain in place. The room is disinfected multiple times a day, and children are reminded regularly to wash their hands and wear their masks properly. All SAP staff are receiving bi-weekly OIST PCR tests. We continue to ask parents and guardians to wear masks inside the SAP room at all times. Anyone without a mask must remain outside. We appreciate your cooperation.




For more photos of SAP kids doing activities in the room and in the outdoor play areas, please check out the October photo album. Be sure to save photos of your child that you want to keep because we delete older albums regularly to free space for new photos and videos.

