Okinawan Soba Cooking Workshop*Filled to Capacity

What is Okinawa Soba?

What is Okinawa Soba, you might be thinking? Okinawa Soba is chewy noodles, soaked in delicious pork and fish broth; Okinawa Soba is a comfort and soul food to many Okinawans. This classic Okinawan noodle soup is a savory mix of umami tastes including tender stewed pork belly, slices of fish cake, chopped green onion, and red pickled ginger. You now have the opportunity to learn how to cook this dish!

In this workshop, you can experience how the "umami of the dashi" will be changed.
First, you taste a "light Dashi" made from pork only, and then taste again a "new dashi" in which the flavor(umami) has changed by adding of other "bonito(katsuo) dashi". The soup has a deeper flavor due to bonito dashi, and salt is added to help to bring it together at the end. You can experience a special "change of Dashi" taste in this workshop, which you would never have a chance to experience!

Come use your hands and have fun learning how to make soba noodles from scratch and how to prepare the pork for the famous Okinawan Soba. Also, you can learn how to make "Kufa- Ju-shi-" which is often served with Okinawa soba in local restaurants. The recipe is simple and you can easily make it yourself at home. Please join the workshop to enjoy the delicious "Kufa-Ju-Shi-"!! 

沖縄そばって何?と思っている、そこの貴方!沖縄そばとは、豚骨とかつおだしを合わせたスープに、歯ごたえのある麺が入った沖縄のソールフードです。沖縄そばは、三枚肉、かまぼこ、ネギ、紅ショウガがのった うまみ、風味豊かな一品です。この機会に一緒に作り方を学びましょう!



Details of Workshop

Date& Time: Friday, 8th December 11:00~ 14:00 (Including eating time)

開催日程:12月8日(金) 11時~14時(食事時間を含む)

Venue: Fureai Center in Onna Village

開催場所:恩納村ふれあいセンター内 琉球料理教室

Capacity: 20 people (First-come, First-reserved)



        *Student/Intern  500 Yen

        *Non-Student      2,000Yen


*学生 500円(授業料補助金が下りる為、500円で参加可能です。)

*学生以外 2,000 円

Location: Onna Village Fureai Experience Learning Center 5973 Onna, Onna-village, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0411

場所: 恩納村ふれあい体験学習センター 904-0411 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字恩納5973

*You must be able provide your own transportation to and from the event location.


What to bring to this workshop.

Apron,  Bandana for covering your head, and your own Drink

*Registration form*

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