Chinese Traditional Tea Ceremony Workshop

Instructor biography|講師プロフィール

The connection between tea and me began almost 20 years ago since I took Chinese tea master lessons in China where the ogrin of tea. I was learning how to critics and ways of proceeding tea for taking Chinese tea certification.I have also studied about Taiwanese tea and Japanese tea, and have a total understanding of "Tea". I  have taught tea  at culture schools, community centers, vocational schools, and universities throughout the  Okinawa.
This time, I would be very glad to teach Tea for OIST menbers.


What to learn from this workshop|ワークショップの内容

You will learn the different types of Chinese tea flavors. (e.g White tea, Yellow tea, Green tea, Oolong tea and more) and difference between Chinese tea and Tiwanese tea. Also, you will taste delicious green tea (Ming Qian West Lake Longjing tea from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) and making Oolong tea by yourself.Please enjoy tea time with Chinese tea sweet and dry fruits.


DATE|日程: Tuesday, May 30th|5月30日(火)

TIME|開催時間:P.M(午後)2:00 ~ 4:00

PLACE|開催場所:Ocean View Room

FEE|参加費: For Student  500  JPY/  For Non-Student   2,000  JPY

CAPACITY|定員:10 people (First-come,first-served. | 先着順です)

*Students: Please bring exact amount of 500 yen to the Recreaiton Services office by May 26th to confirm your attendance.

*Non students: Please bring exact amount of 2,000 yen to the Recreation Services office by May 26th to confirm your attendance.



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