Afternoon Inversion Workshop (45 minutes) in the Ocean View Room

Ever dream of mastering inversions like forearm stand, handstand, or headstand? Feeling unsure about how to build the shoulder strength and balance needed to confidently flip your world upside down? Join me for a special 5-week inversion workshop series designed just for this! This summer, let’s transform your lunch break into a fun, empowering journey towards mastering inversions.

When: Tuesdays, 12:15-13:00 (45-minute workshop)
 Dates: 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, 8/20

 Where: Ocean View Room

Cost: 500 yen per class

In this 45-minute class, we’ll combine a dynamic vinyasa flow with dedicated inversion playtime, giving you the perfect balance of strength-building and skill development. Whether you’re aiming for a forearm stand, handstand, or headstand, this series is crafted to help you build shoulder strength and find the balance point needed for these exciting poses.

Can’t make every class? No worries! Each session includes a vinyasa flow and inversion playtime, ensuring you’ll gain valuable skills and experience even if you join a few.

Ready to flip your perspective and conquer those inversions? Let’s get upside down together! Register here to save your spot!

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The cost is 500 JPY per session. Please pay the teacher directly with cash. / 1クラスの参加費は500円です。講師に直接現金でお支払い下さい。
I certify that I am in good health to participate in any fitness related activity hosted by OIST Recreation Services and will sign the liability waiver. 私は、OISTレクリエーションサービスが提供するフィットネス活動に、参加出来る健康な状態であると証明し同意します。 I understand that I need to consult with the OIST clinic if I have questions about my personal health. 私は、個人的な健康問題に関する質問は、OISTクリニックに相談する必要があることを理解しています。