Cihan Pazarbaşı

Postdoctoral Scholar
2022 Ph.D Boğaziçi University
2015 M.Sc Boğaziçi University
Office: Lab 4, F22f
Main Interests: Resurgence theory, Exact WKB method, Semi-classical aspects of quantum theories, Worldline methods in QFT.
List of Publications:
- Polyakov Model in ’t Hooft flux background: A quantum mechanical reduction with memory, with Mithat Ünsal
arxiv:2112.02483 , JHEP 08 (2022) 116 - Pair Production in Real Proper Time and Unitarity Without Borel Ambiguity
arxiv:2111.06204 - Cluster expansion and resurgence in Polyakov model , with Mithat Ünsal
arxiv:2110.05612 , Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 151601 - Recursive generation of the semiclassical expansion in arbitrary dimension
arxiv:2012.06041 , Phys. Rev. D 103, 085011 - Renormalons in quantum mechanics , with Dieter Van den Bleeken,
arxiv:1906.07198 , JHEP 1908 (2019) 096