Special Lecture: "Science without borders, a key to mankind survival?" by Prof. Vincent Rivasseau


2019年7月23日 (火) 11:00 12:00


Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater (B250 Center Building, OIST campus)


Special Lecture open to all OIST community on Tuesday July 23 11:00-12:00 at the Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater (B250 Center Building, OIST campus).

Speaker: Vincent Rivasseau (Professor, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)

Vincent Rivasseau is a theoretical physicist, specialist of quantum field theory and quantum gravity. He is the president of the Association for the Promotion of Science in Africa which he founded in 2008.


Title: Science without borders, a key to mankind survival?


Abstract: Modern science is an international enterprise critical for mankind to survive and thrive at the 10 billion+ level on our small planet. However it is under heavy threat from religious integrism and resurgent populist nationalism. I'll argue, taking as primary example the case of Africa, that we urgently need to better share science and modern technology with developing countries, not just for humanitarian reasons, but in a win-win perspective. In my own experience, even our most abstract and advanced scientific research, such as understanding the deep nature of space, time and quantum gravity, can greatly benefit from the fresh and open-minded contribution of scientists coming from all corners of the world.

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