[Seminar] "Publishing in Wiley Journals" by Dr. Geraldine Echue



Seminar Room L5D23


Geraldine Echue, Ph.D.
Deputy Editor, Advanced Materials
Recent improvements in technology have made it easier than ever to prepare and submit scientific articles, facilitating significant increases in submission numbers across all journals. Authors must navigate this increasingly competitive landscape in addition to their specific requirements such as journal reach and scope, open access options, impact factor etc.

Wiley is a global leader in materials science, publishing flagship journals such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Science. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the recent publication trends at Wiley journals and explain why these are important for consideration when preparing your submission. We will highlight the key criteria for publication in high-quality journals as well as tools and strategies that authors can use to ensure their submission has the best chance of success. It is important to host research on appropriate platforms to ensure that it will reach the relevant academic communities, thus enabling impact and advancement in related research fields. 

In addition to providing researchers with a greater understanding of the Editorial selection processes at Wiley journals, this talk will also provide a publisher perspective on the major developments that are likely to affect researchers in the future. 

Geraldine obtained her PhD from the University of Bristol (UK) in the field of supramolecular nanomaterials. After her PhD, Geraldine worked for the UK government, supporting the evaluation of research impact for annual grant allocation. She was previously a Royal Society/JSPS post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute of Materials Science (Japan) and joined Wiley in 2022.


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