[Workshop] Okinawa Marine Science Workshop



B250 Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater


9th Okinawa Marine Science Workshop is held at November 22nd, Friday.

The purpose of this network is to contribute to research and development on marine resources, industries, and environment in Okinawa through exchanging and sharing information in cooperation with marine science institutes in Okinawa.

This year, below institutions are presenting in this workshop.

  1. University of Ryukyus
  2. Okinawa Prefectural Fisheries Research and Extension Center
  3. Okinawa Prefectural Health and Environmental Research Institute
  4. National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College
  5. Global Oceanographic Data Center, JAMSTEC
  6. Okinawa Regional Headquarters, Japan Meteorological Agency
  7. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology


Please see the attached files for the program, presentation list, and abstracts.

No prior registration is required. We ask you to write your name on the registraion sheet at the entrance of B250.

Simultaneous tranlation is available for oral presentations.



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