Researcher Meeting



C210 Seminar Room


<p>The next <em>Researcher Meeting</em> will be held on Monday July 6th from 12:00 to 13:00 in seminar room C210. This meeting is intended for postdoctoral scholars and staff scientists. We would greatly appreciate it if at least one representative from each unit attend.</p> <p>We have invited the Dean of Faculty Affairs, Ken Peach, to join us and also Darren George and Kaori Itokazu from the Ganjuu Wellbeing Service.</p> <p>The following two points are for discussion:</p> <ol> <li>Creation of a career development program and hiring of full-time staff</li> <li>Creation of an independent research workshop</li> </ol> <p>Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.</p> <p>Sincerely,<br /> Clive Barker, Yoshiyuki Asai, Rehab Abdelhamid, Matthew Ryan Leyden, Sherida Johnson (ORC)</p>
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