"Super-Resolution: Live Imaging Microscopy" Prof Akihiko Nakano


2015年6月22日 (月) 11:00 11:30


B503, Lab 1



Title: Super-Resolution Live Imaging Microscopy  - Development, Application and Commercialization –

Abstract: We have been developing a new super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (named SCLIM, for super-resolution confocal live imaging microscopy) dedicated to high-speed live cell imaging, by the combination of a spinning-disk confocal scanner, an ultrahigh-sensitivity camera system and mathematical data processing. We have already applied this microscopy to tackle problems of cell biology, settled a big debate on the Golgi apparatus, and renewed models of textbooks. We now have a plan to launch a venture company to commercialize this type of microscopes. I will talk about the specifications of our microscopes (< 50 nm space resolution in 3D and a few second time resolution to reconstruct a 3D image) and possible application to not only basic science but also pharmaceutical and medical sciences.

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