3rd CCP4-OIST School


2015年11月2日 (月) 9:002015年11月7日 (土) 17:00


OIST Seaside House


The course is intended mainly for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the area of structural biology from Japan, Asia and Oceania. In some cases, assistant -professor-level applicants can be accepted as well. The school is not meant as an introductory level course to protein crystallography. It is designed more for applicants with reasonable expertise in crystallography. The purpose of the school is:
a) To introduce the CCP4 suite. It is by far the most complete and used programmes in the field of X-ray crystallography.
b) To address specific problems that the applicants face when processing diffraction data, solving and refining novel structures. Problems that they could not solve while being in their labs.
The most powerful technique, for proteins and viruses structure determination is X- ray crystallography. 99% of the structures solved by X-ray diffraction are done with the tools/software developed by CCP4.
Several of the leading PX (protein crystallography) software developers from CCP4 and related groups will present lectures and tutorials on their software and will also be available to help with problems du ring hand s-on sessions of the school.
During the workshop, all aspects of the structure solution process in macromolecular crystallography, starting from data processing, through phasing and refinement, and ending with validation and deposition, will be covered.
The workshop will cover many popular programs used for data processing and structure solution with the software developers available to help throughout the week. Part of the programs covered will include: Mosflm, Scala, Refmac, ArpWarp, Phaser, Coot, SHELXC/D/E, Balbes, Mrbump, Buccaneer and many more (http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/).
For newest information please visit the workshop's website.

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Sponsor or Contact: 
OIST Workshop (Trans-membrane Trafficking Unit; Fadel A. Samatey, Associate Professor)
All-OIST Category: 

Application Deadline

2015年8月22日 (土) 0:00

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