[ONOS Seminar Series] Professor. Masaaki Ogawa: Neural mechanisms for persistent pursuit of reward


2024年6月13日 (木) 16:00




Rewards are often subject to chance, resulting in situations where animals might not receive them despite taking appropriate actions. Consequently, to maximize the acquisition of specific probabilistic rewards, animals need to develop strategies for coping with their absence, continuing their pursuit of rewards despite the disappointing outcomes. However, the neural mechanisms for developing such coping strategies are poorly understood. I will introduce our recent studies that reveal the distinct roles of dopamine circuits (Ishino et al., Science Advances, 2023) and basal forebrain acetylcholine circuits (Unpublished) for persistent pursuit of rewards.Rewards are often subject to chance, resulting in situations where animals might not receive them despite taking appropriate actions. Consequently, to maximize the acquisition of specific probabilistic rewards, animals need to develop strategies for coping with their absence, continuing their pursuit of rewards despite the disappointing outcomes. However, the neural mechanisms for developing such coping strategies are poorly understood. I will introduce our recent studies that reveal the distinct roles of dopamine circuaits (Ishino et al., Science Advances, 2023) and basal forebrain acetylcholine circuits (Unpublished) for persistent pursuit of rewards.



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