[Mini-course] A brief introduction to branched optimal transport | Professor Jun Kitagawa, Michigan State University


2022年3月10日 (木) 11:002022年3月14日 (月) 12:00


L4E48 + Zoom


Speaker: Professor Jun Kitagawa, Michigan State University

Title: A brief introduction to branched optimal transport


The optimal transport (also known as Monge-Kantorovich) problem is a classical optimization problem which has recently become the focus of much research with connections to various fields such as PDEs, geometry, and applications. In particular, it provides an effective way to metrize the space of probability measures on a given metric space. However, there is an alternate approach to metrizing such spaces using so called branched optimal transport. Branched optimal transport is based on the classical Gilbert-Steiner problem, later adapted by Qinglan Xia, and in contrast to the Monge-Kantorovich approach tends to yield branching structures. In this series of lectures I will introduce the basics of branched optimal transport and discuss some of the known results in the literature.



March 10, 2022  11:00 - 12:00 

March 11, 2022  10:00 - 11:00 

March 14, 2022  10:00 - 11:00 


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