David Elkouss

iMBA ICEX-CECO Business School
MSc Télecom Paris
MSc Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
David Elkouss holds master's degrees in electrical engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Telecom Paris. During his master's studies, he became passionate about (classical) error correction and the fundamental limits of communications. He moved to the computer science faculty at UPM to earn his Ph.D. optimizing error-correcting codes for quantum key distribution. After the Ph.D., he held two postdoctoral positions. The first one was at the Faculty of Mathematics in Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he studied the mathematical properties of quantum communications channels. The second one was at QuTech in TU Delft, where he worked in the first loophole-free Bell experiment. Later, he started his own theory group at QuTech within the Quantum Internet and Networked Quantum Computation division. In 2022, he moved to OIST to start NetQ, the networked quantum devices unit, and develop theoretical tools for enabling near-term quantum devices to perform communications, computational and cryptographic tasks.
Professional Experience
- Mar 2022 – Present. Associate Professor. OIST
- Jan 2017 – Aug 2022. Assistant Professor. QuTech - Delft University of Technology
- Mar 2015 – Dec 2016. Postdoctoral researcher. QuTech - Delft University of Technology
- Sep 2012 – Feb 2015. Postdoctoral researcher. Faculty of Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid.
- Kavli Institute for Nanoscience publication prize for the best publication of the biennial 2015 – 2016 (corecipient)
- 2016 Paul Ehrenfest award, international prize for quantum foundations (corecipient)
- UPM extraordinary PhD dissertation prize for thesis defended in the academic year 2011 – 2012
Select Publications
- Azuma, Koji, Stefan Bäuml, Tim Coopmans, David Elkouss, and Boxi Li. "Tools for quantum network design." AVS Quantum Science 3, no. 1 (2021): 014101.
- Coopmans, Tim, Robert Knegjens, Axel Dahlberg, David Maier, Loek Nijsten, Julio de Oliveira Filho, Martijn Papendrecht, Julian Rabbie, Filip Rozpędek, Matthew Skrzypczyk, Leon Wubben, Walter de Jong, Damian Podareanu, Ariana Torres-Knoop, David Elkouss, and Stephanie Wehner. "Netsquid, a network simulator for quantum information using discrete events." Communications Physics 4, no. 1 (2021): 1-15.
- Brand, Sebastiaan, Tim Coopmans, and David Elkouss. "Efficient computation of the waiting time and fidelity in quantum repeater chains." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38, no. 3 (2020): 619-639.
- Bäuml, Stefan, Koji Azuma, Go Kato, and David Elkouss. "Linear programs for entanglement and key distribution in the quantum internet." Communications Physics 3, no. 1 (2020): 1-12.
- Wehner, Stephanie, David Elkouss, and Ronald Hanson. "Quantum internet: A vision for the road ahead." Science 362, no. 6412 (2018).
- Elkouss, David, and David Pérez-García. "Memory effects can make the transmission capability of a communication channel uncomputable." Nature communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 1-5.
- Elkouss, David, and Stephanie Wehner. "(Nearly) optimal P values for all Bell inequalities." Npj Quantum Information 2, no. 1 (2016): 1-8.
- Hensen, Bas, Hannes Bernien, Anaïs E. Dréau, Andreas Reiserer, Norbert Kalb, Machiel S. Blok, Just Ruitenberg, Raymond Vermeulen, Raymond N. Schouten, Carlos Abellán, Waldimar Amaya, Valerio Pruneri, Morgan Mitchell, Matthew Markham, Daniel J. Twitchen, David Elkouss, Stephanie Wehner, Tim H. Taminiau and Ronald Hanson. "Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres." Nature 526, no. 7575 (2015): 682-686.
- Cubitt, Toby, David Elkouss, William Matthews, Maris Ozols, David Pérez-García, and Sergii Strelchuk. "Unbounded number of channel uses may be required to detect quantum capacity." Nature communications 6, no. 1 (2015): 1-4.
- Elkouss, David, and Sergii Strelchuk. "Superadditivity of private information for any number of uses of the channel." Physical Review Letters 115, no. 4 (2015): 040501.