Theoretical Non-Physics Seminar: David O'Connell


2021年3月12日 (金) 13:00


Lab 4, F01


This is the 32nd biweekly session of the OIST Theoretical Physics Seminar.
In this seminar series, we pretend to have a theoretical physics department, and tell each other informal stories over drinks and snacks.
Except no drinks and snacks, because people stopped consuming them for some reason. If you want them back, let me know.
And except this time it's more math than physics. But it's relevant math, so OK.

Speaker: David O'Connell (Quantum Gravity).
Title: "An Introduction to Vector Bundles".

Vector bundles are special objects that naturally exist on any smooth manifold. Although typically a plaything of mathematicians, these objects also serve as the playground for various physical theories. In this talk, we will introduce a basic theory of vector bundles, and discuss their role in General Relativity. As is my general style in these seminars, I will take on the challenge of assuming no prior knowledge from the audience.

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