Theoretical Physics Seminar: Yasha Neiman


2019年11月8日 (金) 14:00


Lab 1, D014


This is the 14th biweekly session of the OIST Theoretical Physics Seminar.
In this seminar series, we pretend to have a theoretical physics department, and tell each other informal stories over drinks and snacks.

Speaker: Yasha Neiman (Quantum Gravity).
Title: "Introduction to holography and AdS/CFT".

I will introduce holography as a generally plausible feature of quantum gravity, as well as its concrete realization through the AdS/CFT dictionary. In the first part, we will try to touch on causal domains of dependence, the problem of time, and black hole thermodynamics. In the second part, we will try to touch on fundamental fields vs. composite operators, Dirichlet vs. Neumann boundary conditions, and external sources vs. dynamical operators.

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