[Seminar] "The axonal cytoskeleton at the nanoscale" by Prof. Christophe Leterrier


2019年9月24日 (火) 10:10 10:50


C209, Center Building


Title: The axonal cytoskeleton at the nanoscale


We use Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) to map the nanoscale architecture of actin-based structures within the axon. In the axon initial segment, a key compartment for the maintenance of neuronal polarity, we resolved a highly organized assembly encompassing the periodic actin/spectrin scaffold and its partners: ankyrin, myosin. We have also visualized new actin structures along the axon shaft: rings, hotspots and trails, and are now resolving their molecular organization and functions. For this, we develop a combination of versatile labeling, correlative acquisition and quantitative analysis strategies that allow for high-content, nanoscale interrogation of the axonal architecture.

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