Presidential Lecture- "Advancing Nanophotonics for New Optical Technologies" by Prof. Pavel Belov


2019年8月8日 (木) 13:00





While light scattering on nanoparticles was identified by Lord Rayleigh in the 19th century as the reason why the sky is blue, the concept of using resonant nanoscale scatterers to control an optical response has since then evolved into a highly active and important part of optical science. By today plasmonic excitations on nanoparticles have been used to develop diverse applications ranging from biosensors to solar cells and to information storage.

 A driving force for practical nanophotonics is the development of new materials to improve existing concepts or enable new applications. One of the most recent conceptual shifts was related to the replacement of metallic gold or silver nanoparticles by all-dielectric ones (e.g., silicon, GaAs, etc.). Nanoantennas and nanostructures made of these materials have low losses for visible and infrared light and producing them is compatible with existing semiconductor device technologies [1]. In particular these new materials will allow one to place light sources inside of bulk materials, thereby protecting them from harmful ambient conditions such as chemical pollution or mechanical damages.

 In this presentation he will review this rapidly developing field, including recent results on metasurfaces, and demonstrate that the magnetic response of dielectric nanostructures can lead to novel physical effects and applications.

[1] A. I. Kuznetsov et al. “Optically resonant dielectric nanostructures” Science 354, 846 (2016).



Pavel Belov received the Degree (with hons.) from ITMO University, St. Petersburg, in 2000. He defended two Ph.D. theses: one in optics in Russia in 2003 and then another one in radio engineering in Finland in 2006 at the Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland.

Pavel Belov was working for Samsung Electronics in South Korea from 2004 to 2005, and for Robert Bosch GmbH from 2008 to 2009. From 2005 to 2012 he was with Queen Mary University of London, UK.

He is currently the Dean of Physics and Engineering Faculty and Head of Research Center of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, ITMO University, Russia. His current research interests include metamaterials, plasmonics, electromagnetics, nanophotonics, antennas, and nanostructures.


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