Seminar: Fundamentals and Recent Advances in Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy by Prof. Tani, Fukui Univ


2019年4月22日 (月) 13:30


C209, Center


Title: Fundamentals and Recent Advances in Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy


Speaker: Prof. Masahiko Tani, Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui



Terahertz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) is the most popular and powerful spectroscopic method in THz frequency region (0.1 - 10 THz). THz-TDS is based on sub-picosecond electromagnetic pulse generation and its sampling detection by femtosecond (fs) laser pulses [1-2]. In this lecture, the author illustrates the basic elements and recent advances in THz-TDS.  For a realization of a cost effective THz-TDS, it is essential to develop efficient THz wave emitters and detectors, which can be used with the communication wavelength (1550 -1560 nm) fs fiber-lasers. Following topics are picked up with a special attention for realization THz-TDS system based on fs fiber laser at the communication wavelength.

(i)       Sub-bandgap excitation of photoconductive antennas with low-temperature-grown GaAs (LT-GaAs substrate) [3-5]

(ii)          LiNbO3 (LN) waveguide THz emitter with Cherenkov phase matching [6-7]

(iii)         Electro-optic (EO) sampling based on non-collinear Cherenkov phase matching [8-11]

(iv)         Spintronic THz emitter [12]

The principle and performance of each device or technique are discussed.



  1. D. H. Auston, K. P. Cheung and P.R. Smith, Appl. Phys. Lett., 45 (1984), 284.
  2. D. Grischowsky, et al, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 7 (1990), 2006.
  3. M. Tani, Kwang-Su Lee and X.-C. Zhang, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77 (2000) ,1396.
  4. E. S. Estacio, et al, J. Infrared, Millimeter and  Terahertz Waves, 34 (2013) 423.
  5. M. C. S. Escaño, H. Kasai, M. Tani, Journal of Vacuum Society of Japan, 60 (2017), 445.
  6. D. H. Auston, K. P. Cheung, J. A. Valdmanis, and D. A. Kleinman, Phys. Rev. Lett., 53 (1984), 1555.
  7. S. B. Bodrov, et al, Opt. Express, 17 (2009), 1871.
  8. M. Tani, K. et al, Opt. Express, 19 (2011), 19901.
  9. M. Tani, et al, Opt. Express, 21 (2013), 9277.
  10. M. I. Bakunov, S. D. Gorelov, M. Tani, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 6 (2016), 473.
  11. R. delos Santos, et al, Opt. Express, 24 (2016), 24980.
  12. E. Th. Papaioannou, et al, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54 (2018), 9100205.



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