
Club Registration

Making the decision to create a new club can be very exciting and overwhelming at the same time.  Recreation Services will help you apply and charter your group in becoming a registered club. Before beginning the process of forming a new club, it is recommended that the interest group research the existing clubs at Clubs and Club Categories.

If the interest group is unable to identify any existing club that is of interest, then the interest group is encouraged to create a new club.  All Registered Clubs must be initiated and governed by OIST members (students, staff, faculty, family members thereof).

A new Registered Club is defined as an organization that has never previously existed at OIST or has been on campus before but has been considered inactive by the OIST for at least one academic year.

  • Here are some questions to consider aiding in creating a new club:
  • What is the purpose of the club?
  • What are the goals of the club?
  • How will the club accomplish its goals?
  • What is unique about the club?
  • Are there other people who may be interested in joining the club?
  • What type of commitment will members need in order to form the club?
  • How will the club identify and recruit members? 
  • How will the club be governed?
  • Is there are club membership fee?

Answering these questions will help an interest group to begin the registration process. If an interest group would like assistance, contact the Recreation Services at or by visiting the Recreation Services website.