Art Exhibition: Sense of Wonder 美術展 センス・オブ・ワンダー



Tunnel Gallery, Level C Corridor in the Center Building



Sense of Wonder - Seven Bridges over Art and Science

センス・オブ・ワンダー ー芸術と科学に架ける7つの橋ー


【To regain our inner nature】 

-If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow.-

“Sense of Wonder” by Rachel Carson


― 子どもたちがであう事実のひとつひとつが、やがて知識や知恵を生みだす種子だとしたら、様々な情緒やゆたかな感受性は、この種子をはぐくむ肥沃な土壌です。 ―



We are part of nature.



Nature is a magnificent and complex network of communication generated by the earth’s environment and the lives living on her. Furthermore, one can even say that life itself is the communication of biological cells to one another, which we can call “inner nature.”  Therefore, we are a part of nature and at the same time, we host inner nature inside ourselves.  


I believe art is a portrait of nature.  The reason we human beings find beauty in nature, even in times of disaster, may come from the message for us not to forget the fact that we human beings are part of nature.  

芸術は、自然の恵みの似姿だと思う。自然の恵みに ― 時には災厄にすら ―  美しさを見いだすのは、人間が自然の一部であることを忘れないためのメッセージなのかもしれない。


-  Moving away from nature, our source of power -  

― わたしたちが自然という力の源泉から遠ざかること ―


Whether it is a blessing or disaster of nature, we, all the living beings as a part of nature, take it as granted.  Meanwhile, we are allowed to carry out our activities only when they contribute to the dynamism of nature.  If we go beyond the limit of the laws of nature and run away, we would end up destroying the very system of nature.



In modern times, a system created by mankind called "civilization" raged in accelerated manners.  As a consequence, the system of nature has seriously been destroyed, threatening even our own “inner nature.”  



We, the seven expressionists who have gathered here, have become conscious of us being part of nature, and shall aim at learning from nature, reflecting on ourselves having been accomplices of contemporary civilization which goes against nature.   



For our current exhibition with different art works including textile dyeing, Ryukyu bingata, pottery, and paintings, we decided our binding theme as, “Sense of Wonder,” depicting the eye-opening sensibilities at the various mysteries and wonders of nature, taking after the book title by the famous author and marine biologist, Rachel Carson.



Human sensibility is one of the "inner natures," and "Sense of Wonder" could be a resonance between the external and internal nature of human beings.  The resonance could be at times expressed as art work or expressed as the truth that could also be reached at the end of scientific journeys.  We believe art and science are equivalent in each form of expression.  

人間の感性は「内なる自然」のひとつであり、「Sense of Wonder」は人間の外なる自然と内なる自然の共鳴であるといえる。その共鳴は、時に芸術作品として表現され、また科学的探求の末にたどり着いた真理としても表現される。表現として、両者は等価だと思う。


As Rachel herself was one of the prominent examples, both in the East and the West, numerous historical figures had pursued their ways of expression across the fields of art and science, including Leonard Da Vinci and Wang Yanming.  However, during the passage of time, art and science have been diverged far away from one another.  Can’t we make the distance between the two smaller?  



Now we have built seven bridges here.  



We hope that our bridge will connect art and science through a rainbow of sensibilities, taking after the unique structure of OIST Sky Walk, where the pillars of the bridge had been eliminated considering the preservation of creatures living in the swamps underneath.  Someday, over the bridge of our rainbow, we would dream on reencountering our inner nature once again.



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