Seminar "AMPK-responsible CRH neurons in the PVH are the principal neurons involved in food preference for carbohydrate over fat"


2018年3月13日 (火) 11:00 12:00


D015, Lab1


Dear All,

Sensory and Behavioural Neuroscience Unit would like to inform you of a seminer by Dr. Shiki Okamoto from University of Ryukyus.



Date: Tuesday, March 13th

Time: 11:00 - 12:00

Venue: D015, Lab1​


Title: AMPK-responsible CRH neurons in the PVH are the principal neurons involved in food preference for carbohydrate over fat

Abstract: Food selection is essential for metabolic homeostasis and is influenced by nutritional state, food palatability, and social factors such as stress. However, the mechanism responsible for selection between a high carbohydrate diet (HCD) and a high-fat diet (HFD) remains unknown. Here, we identified principal neurons in the hypothalamus involved in carbohydrate selection. We found that activation of a subset of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)- positive neurons in the rostral region of the paraventricular hypothalamus (PVH) induces selection of HCD over HFD in mice during refeeding and after fasting. This change in macronutrient selection may contribute a rapid recovery from the change in ketone metabolism. These neurons activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) during food deprivation, and this activation is necessary and sufficient for selection of HCD over HFD. Moreover, pharmacological activation of AMPK increased cytosolic [Ca2+] in CRH neurons isolated from the PVH and the effect of AMPK was abolished with the expression of shRNA for AMPK. Our results identify the specific neurons and intracellular signaling pathway responsible for the regulation of the complex behavior involved in the selection between HCD and HFD.

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