[Seminar] "Design and Implementation of High Performance Biochemical Simulator" - Prof. Funahashi, Keio University

Integrated Open Systems Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Akira Funahashi.
Akira Funahashi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Keio University
Design and Implementation of High Performance Biochemical Simulator
Mathematical modeling is a powerful method to analyze the dynamics ofbiochemical networks. Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is known to be the de-facto standard for describing biochemical models. Currently there are over 280 software packages which can import and simulate SBML models. Unfortunately, there are only limited number of software packages which support all functionality of SBML.
In this talk, I will briefly introduce the design and implementation of our SBML enabledsimulation library "libsbmlsim". Libsbmlsim supports all the functionality of SBML Level3 core, and we also have applied its implementation on GPU, resulting in up to 50 times performance improvement.
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